Saturday, August 31, 2019

Friday Morning, August 30, 2019- Jr. Gold @ Broadlands (LCM)

1 x 600- 300 swim freestyle, 200 reverse IM drill, 100 kick on back (focus on UDK's!)
1:00 rest

"Swim as you feel" to keep it moving on this cool morning:
Easy drilling for 10-12 minutes, 100 choice, every 3rd 50 is (25M) 2k1p breast drill and (25M) dolph kick on side
Check HR

13 x 100 @ 2:10 as follows:
odds- kick for 35M with boards, then roll on back and kick in & out with FAST TURN & UDK's! Then pick up board at 35M to kick back to the wall
evens- 35M kick with boards, then swim FAST in & out of turn; pick up boards at 35M, then kick breast FAST back to the wall, also @ 2:10
#11- kick FAST for time with boards, get time
#12- all easy choice drill
#13- all kick FAST with boards, BROKEN, :15 rest at the 50
Check HR

With fins, 3 sets of:
3 x 150 swim desc 1-3 @ 2:40; #3 is all out swim FAST (2nd set, middle 50 is no free swim; 3rd set 1st 50 is swim NO FREE)
6 x 25 swim "modified usual" @ :40
 No free in 3rd set

Until 7:30, finish up with...
Pulling with shnorkels & buoys- drill on the odd 50's, pull build to FAST turn on the even 50's


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday Morning, August 29, 2019- Jr. Gold @ Broadlands (LCM)

1 x 600- 300 swim freestyle, 200 reverse IM drill, 100 kick on back (UDK's!)
1:00 rest

12 x 50-
odds- drill choice @ 1:10
evens- kick (UDK's past the flags!)/swim by 25's @ 1:10
Go 4 free, 4 primary, 4 4th best stroke NO FREE
Check HR, 1:00 rest

3 sets of:
1 x 300 swim free/NO FREE by 50's- FAST turns, check HR
2 x 100 swim/kick free by 50's desc 1-2 @ 1:50 (go primary stroke in 2nd set and 4th best stroke in 3rd set- 3rd round these are @ 2:00)
Check HR after each round, 1:00 rest after 3rd set

With fins:
50's fly drill @ 1:00 or 1:10 (1st 6 will be fly pull free kick, except #4 is all kick FAST @ :50)
Different fly drill for subsequent rounds of 6 x 50

Until 7:30a, finish up with...
75's kick (we'll mix up kick), last 25 is always FAST, @ 1:40

Warmdown a bit before you help with the lanelines. Do an excellent job with school today and get excited for BOOT CAMP next week. Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday Morning, August 28, 2019- Jr. Gold @ Broadlands (LCM)

1 x 600- 300 swim freestyle, 200 reverse IM drill, 100 kick on back
1:00 rest

3 sets of:
4 x out & backs @ :45- breast pull free kick/forward ss/kick on back FAST
2 x 50 kick on back @ 1:15 desc 1-2
4 x out & backs @ :45- sit & spin back drill/back turn/kick free head out
2 x 50 kick with boards @ :10 rest, desc 1-2
Check HR after each round & wait for the group to finish

3 x 100 swim free/drill choice @ 2:00
1 x 200 swim/kick by 50's, neg split @ 4:00
3 x 100 swim free FAST TURN/swim choice NO FREE @ 1:50
1 x 300 swim/kick by 50's desc 100's 1-3 @ 5:30
3 x 100 swim free br 3 @ 1:40 (desc if possible)
1 x 400 kick- 100 on back, 100 with boards- check time at 200 & make 2nd 200 FASTER
1:00 rest, check HR

With fins:
4 x 50 fly drill/dolph kick on side by 25's @ 1:10
4 x 50 kick FAST on back @1:00
4 x 50 fly drill/kick on opposite side by 25's (skulling out front- okay) @ 1:10
4 x 50 kick FAST with boards @ :55
4 x 50 swim fly desc 1-4 @ 1:15
Check HR & take fins off

9 x 100 desc 1-3's @ 2:00 as follows-
25 swim fly, 50 swim-kick with FAST turn (first round of 3 NO FREE), last 25 choice drill

If there is time...
1 x 600 swim free with shnorkels, desc 200's 1-3 to something JUICY!

Help with the lanes before you get out. Do an excellent job with school today & get excited for BOOT CAMP next week. Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday Morning, August 27, 2019- Jr. Gold @ Broadlands (LCM)

1 x 600- 300 swim freestyle, 200 reverse IM drill, 100 kick on back- focus on UDK's
1:00 rest

With fins, 2 sets of:
2 x 100 @ 1:50- 50 drill (25 free drill, 25 NO FREE drill)/50 kick on back build (UDK's!)
1 x 200 @ 3:40- swim/kick by 50's, neg split each 200; 1st set is free, 2nd set is NO FREE
No rest between sets
Check HR after 2nd set, then take fins off

3 sets of:
7 x 50-
1-6, odds are 25 BPK (body position kick), 25 choice drill @ 1:15 (no rush here); evens are swim @ :50 (same stroke as the drill on the odds)
#7- all easy choice skulling, bend elbows & feel water on hands & forearms
Let everybody finish #7 before we start the next round of 7
Go free/primary NO FREE/4th best NO FREE by round
Check HR after #6 in each round
1:00 rest after 3rd set

Until 7:30a, finish up with (odd rounds with fins, even rounds NO FINS):
2 x out & backs @ :45- fly drill out, FAST dolphin kick back
2 x out & backs @ :35 swim/kick fly
1 x 100 kick FAST for time (odd rounds with fins on back; even rounds NO FINS with boards
:30 rest between rounds to put on/take off fins

100 easy drill before you help with the lanelines. Do an excellent job with school today and think about your goals for the SCY season. Have a great day!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Monday Morning, August 26, 2019- Jr. Gold @ Broadlands (LCM!)

Welcome back! I hope everybody enjoyed their break & is excited for the SCY season.

1 x 600- 300 swim freestyle, 200 reverse IM drill, 100 easy kick on back (focus on UDK's)
1:00 rest

With fins:
6 x 50 @ 1:10- odds, ra2 la2 free drill; evens choice kick on back build (UDK's past flags)
6 x 50 @ 1:05- odds, 2 dolph kicks 1 pull breast drill; evens dolph kick on side (UDK's to 8M)
6 x 50 @ 1:05- odds, choice drill in primary stroke (NO FREE); evens swim (build)/kick by 25's
1:00 rest, check HR then take off fins

1 x 300- go 50 swim free br 3, 25 choice drill in 4th best stroke NO FREE, 25 choice skulling
1:00 rest, check HR again

 All @ :10 rest...
4 x 50, 6k-skull & switch (on side, stay long- watch hands out front & feel water on them); #3 choice drill
1 x 100 swim freestyle br3
6 x 50, 25 6k-skull & switch drill, then 25 choice drill; #4 is choice kick on back build, UDK past flags
1 x 100 swim freestyle br3
8 x 50-
odds, choice skulling/drill by 25's
evens, swim (same stroke as drill on odd 50's)/kick by 25's- build the kick to FAST
1 x 200 swim free/NO FREE by 50's
1:00 rest, check HR

With boards, finish up with:
Out & backs kick (to 15-18M), forward somersault at 15-18M
We'll change kick every 4 or 5 out & backs.

Warmdown a bit before you get out. Do an excellent job in school today & think about what you want to achieve this year. Have a great day!