Saturday, May 2, 2020

Saturday, May 2, 2020- SDP for Slim (that's "Short Driveway Pool")

To start....

5-6 minutes easy back & forth (NO TETHERS yet), drill for 2 lengths & swim for 1 length
Check HR, then 1:00 rest

Still NO TETHERS....
Your choice 8-12 times (whatever you feel up to) through, all @ :20 rest
3 lengths, 1 drill PERFECT, 1 kick build, last length is all UDK, FAST
Mix up the strokes on the 1st 2 lengths.
Check HR after 8 rounds, then 1:00 rest. Do additional rounds after the 8 if you feel up to it.

Add the tethers here...
Go through the following two times (only TWO ROUNDS, you've been out of the water for 100 years!):
:10 swim, :20 rest (2x)
:10 kick, :20 rest (2x)
:20 swim, :20 rest (2x)
:20 kick, :20 rest (2x)
:30 swim, :20 rest (2x)
30 kick, :20 rest (2x)
Check HR after the 1st round, then 1:00 rest before getting into the 2nd set

Drill/skull a little easy before you get out. Do an excellent job with your HW today & enjoy your day off tomorrow. Be sure to thank your mum for the spiffy "SDP!" Have a great day!